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Professor David Coghill and Sydney Stevens report on the Australian-first guidelines that are designed to help health professionals treat and manage anxiety in young people.  Riley* is a 15-year-old boy from Melbourne’s outer western suburbs. He lives with his mother, father and two younger brothers. Riley...

Covering everything from anxiety, depression, trauma and eating difficulties, to understanding neurodivergence and gender identity Dr Jo Prendergast's new book 'When Life Sucks' is an essential guide for parents and carers looking to understand what's going on in their teen's mind. This is an extract...

Due to the increasing stressors within society,  writes Dr Marg Rogers, more parents and carers are reporting their child has been affected by trauma. The child (and possibly family members) may have been exposed to trauma through: refugee experiences (e.g. war, terrorism, famine, dangerous journeys, persecution, detention...

Simon Byrne has some advice and looks at the treatment options available Anxiety disorders are common among Australian children, affecting nearly 7% of those aged 4–11 years. Children’s fears can focus on areas such as being alone, talking to strangers or going to sleep. In small amounts,...

It's a real thing! Write Ben Zunica and Bronwyn Reid O'Connor From 15 March 2023, more than one million young Australians will sit the NAPLAN numeracy test. For most students, this will just be a routine part of the school day (albeit less fun than running...

Suicidal behaviour is evident in children, with some as young as 10 presenting to hospitals and emergency departments following a self-harm episode – some on multiple occasions. “Anecdotally, we’ve been finding that teachers are overhearing self-harm and suicide being discussed in the playground from the primary...

In Disney’s Frozen, the eternal optimist Anna displays remarkable resilience in the face of sisterly separation, danger, a perpetual winter and talking snowmen....