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Real-life impact, not diagnosis, should determine NDIS support, write researchers Nancy Sadka and Josephine Barbaro Ahead of the release of the government’s review into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the topic taking centre stage is the diagnosis of autism. Over one third of people accessing...

Does the government’s new draft do enough to help those in crisis? Asks Andrew Whitehouse The Australian government released its draft National Autism Strategy yesterday. It aims to power a “coordinated national approach, supporting Autistic people at each stage of life”. The strategy is the fulfilment of...

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is more often diagnosed in children, writes Alison Poulton. That might make you wonder if people grow out of it as they reach adulthood. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that involves difficulties focusing attention (for study or work) and/or sitting still or...

Suzanne Bell draws attention to the recurrent nature of the grief experienced by parents of children with disabilities. An overwhelming sense of loss is a natural reaction when your child is diagnosed with a disability of any kind. It is often unrecognised, however, that a parent’s...

 And how valuable could it be? ask researchers Cathy Bent, Alexandra Aulich, Christos Constantine  and Kristelle Hudrym Most early support programs for autistic children (also called “early interventions”) are provided after diagnosis. But long waiting times can leave families feeling stressed that they are “missing...

 Why We Should All Celebrate Rainbow Brains… When we hear about autism and ADHD, we may think of two distinct conditions, but the reality is much more complex. Both conditions frequently co-occur, and in many cases a person who is autistic may also have ADHD,...

Autism and ADHD assessment waits are up to 2 years long. There are 3 things families can do, write Sarah Pillar and Andrew Whitehouse. Reports have emerged from around Australia of waitlists of up to two years to receive a diagnostic assessment for neurodevelopmental conditions, such as...

Adam Guastella,  Kelsie Boulton and Natalie Silove guide parents and what they should know about getting a neurodevelopmental assessment With childcare and schools starting the new year, parents might be anxiously wondering how their child will adapt in a new learning environment. Some parents may be concerned...