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From viral social media ‘pranks’ to hooning, writes Kathryn Daley, they are bored and looking for entertainment. Two teens were arrested in Melbourne last month after horrific video footage of them pushing an unsuspecting elderly fisherman off a pier went viral. The “prank” appeared to have been...

A study by psychologists at UNSW Sydney’s Parent Child Research Clinic reveals that children who display aggressive, destructive and non-compliant behaviour appear to respond positively to a new behavioural therapy aimed at both parents and children, The research could give worn-out parents new hope after it...

 In tough parenting moments, here’s what you can do, write Julia Caldwell, Koa Whittingham and Pamela Meredith. You walk into a room. You are going to play a game. Your competitors? Other parents. There will only be one winner. You aim is to survive. No, we’re not talking about Squid...

Children cannot be what they cannot see – or so the saying goes, writes Dilvin Yasa. What happens when they're seeing (and hearing) things you'd rather they didn't?  My Invasion of the Body Snatchers moment happened when my five year old decided to regale me with...

Leticia Anderson, Kathomi Gatwiri, Lynette Riley and Marcelle Townsend-Cross look at ways teachers (and parents) can bring the topic of racism comfortably into the classroom. As Black Lives Matter protests rage across the world, many of us are motivated to learn more about racism and talk...

Megan de Beyer introduces her modern mother's guide to raising teenage boys in the current#metoo #allmenaretrash era with a look at Parent-Adolescent Communication While discussing parent-adolescent communication with Grade 9 boys, Jason asked them to answer the following four questions. After ten years of speaking to...

A play-based therapy aimed at helping parents manage children’s behaviour has seen long-lasting results in a live trial.  Parents of young toddlers with challenging behaviours have found support through a new early-intervention program aimed at children aged 12-24 months, a study has shown. The unique program focuses...

‘A real-world trial has tested the effectiveness – and revealed the challenges – of adapting behavioural therapy to the online world. Families in regional and rural NSW have gained virtual parenting support through a live trial led by researchers at UNSW Sydney. The findings were...