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A new framework by La Trobe University’s Judith Lumley Centre aims to empower childbirth experiences by aligning coping strategies with women’s preferences and values. This initiative follows concerns about birth trauma highlighted in the New South Wales Parliamentary Inquiry into Birth Trauma. The research, led by...

  Linda Gallo and  Shelley Wilkinson are concerned too many people are relying on “pink” multivitamins. Growing a healthy baby relies on getting enough nutrients while pregnant. But rather than following a healthy diet to provide those nutrients, we’re concerned too many people are relying on “pink” multivitamins. These...

A recent study from the Molly Wardaguga Research Centre at Charles Darwin University has revealed that private midwifery programs in Australia provide better outcomes for mothers and their babies compared to the national average. This could be exciting news for prospective parents considering their maternity...

More than 6,000 women told us what they wanted for their next pregnancy and birth. Here’s what they said report researchers Hazel Keedle, Daniella Susic and Hannah Dahlen Many women want a different kind of pregnancy and birth the next time around. Many want to see the...

Melissa Morns writes that many women say that they ‘feel guilty for feeling like that.’ The benefits of breastfeeding are widely recognised, and many women find it an enjoyable and bonding experience. Women also often face challenges that can make it difficult to breastfeed, such as...

Here’s why that won’t necessarily work, writes Mischa Bongers It’s commonly understood that having a baby can be a primary cause of later pelvic floor problems, such as bladder leakage. While giving birth can be a very special and joyful time, it can sometimes be difficult...

Researchers Violet Kieu and Kate Stern remind you that you should discuss fertility first! Not all Australians with cancer are getting the fertility care they need. In 2022, it is predicted more than 8,200 Australians under 40 – in their reproductive years – will be diagnosed with...

Melbourne researchers from Monash University have found that one of two common methods to induce labour is safer for babies, although both were as safe for the mother and neither led to more caesarean births. Labour induction is one of the most common obstetric interventions and...

Problems conceiving are not just about women. Male infertility is behind 1 in 3 IVF cycles, report researchers Karin Hammarberg,  Georgina Chambers and Rob McLachlan For the first time, IVF clinics in Australia and New Zealand have reported data about the scale and range of male fertility...

From what to pack for school lunch, to how to cope with social media, school bullying, traveling with kids and tackling career goals - we're revisiting 25 of your favourite parenting articles. ...