Get ready for school: school readiness checklist
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Download the full checklist CHILDMAGS.COM.AU BACK-TO-SCHOOL CHECKLIST...
Leaving children unattended for “an unreasonable amount of time” is against the law but many of us do leave our children at home. Natalie Ritchie looks at why....
In tough parenting moments, here’s what you can do, write Julia Caldwell, Koa Whittingham and Pamela Meredith. You walk into a room. You are going to play a game. Your competitors? Other parents. There will only be one winner. You aim is to survive. No, we’re not talking about Squid...
It's 30 years since The Addams Family hit the big screen, writes Daryl Sparkes. It is still the perfect blend of horror and comedy. The dark side of films has always had a strong relationship with the light side. Mixing comedy with horror often ensured a...
In Australia, on average, 48 young people under the age of 18 go missing every day, report Silke Meyer, Eugene Hyman, Samantha Wild and Wynetta Dewis. While First Nations young people make up less than 6% of the Australian population under the age of 18, they...
A failure at 6? Children go from playing to being tested in the blink of an eye, reports researcher Martina Tassone. Children’s early years from birth to the age of eight are crucial for their social, emotional and intellectual development. However, early years education in Australia...
Having Mastered all things pink, Robert Burns gets his first taste of parenting boys. I’m the proud father of two daughters, a headstrong 10 year old and baby-voiced seven year old, and finally feel pretty confident coping with little girls. I’ve engaged in conversations about my...
Headlines about the impact of the pandemic on youth mental health have left many parents worried about their children and unsure what they can do to help. Report Marie Yap, Anthony Jorm and Mairead Cardamone-Breen. Now, as restrictions are eased – and school, home and social...
Reset Australia is warning Facebook can't be trusted to help draft children's data code, after the platform was caught red handed harvesting teenagers' data to serve them stalker ads. In April, a report by Reset Australia showed how Facebook allowed advertisers to target young people...
Therapy for babies showing early signs of autism reduces the chance of clinical diagnosis at age 3, reports Andrew Whitehouse, Jonathan Green and Kristelle Hudry. A therapy for infants showing early signs of autism reduces the chance of the child meeting diagnostic criteria for autism at...