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Many parents have concerns over the religious education their children are currently receiving in public schools, reports Dr Jennifer Bleazby Many government schools provide religious classes in the form of church-based “religious instruction”. These types of classes segregate students into faith-based groups in which they receive...

We're currently experiencing a deep divide in public discourses on diversity and multilingualism. Writes Rita Wilson. On the one hand, a ‘diverse’ society is associated with creativity, growth and social justice. On the other, it’s associated with narratives of fear and resentment where the ‘other’,...

Australia is considered one of the most multicultural countries in the world, writes Renee Crawford. That's why governments must recognise the importance of an arts-based education However, as globalisation becomes the norm, and we begin to welcome people from countries with vastly different backgrounds, experiences, ideologies,...

Looking for something different to do, stuck at home with the family? Are you curious about what Van Gogh’s Starry Night looks like up close? Or the difference between modern and contemporary art? Would you like to wander round a museum halfway across the world? How about...