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This American classic is one of the easiest sweet treats to make. The recipe could be written in one sentence: melt butter and chocolate, whisk eggs and sugar, combine, fold in flour and bake. Scottish food writer Sue Lawrence made the most delicious brownies I’ve ever...

Lauren Ball, looks at what are some healthier alternatives for kids’ lunches? Western Australia has introduced a limit on ham in school canteens. Parents are reportedly confused and frustrated. So what has changed and what evidence is it based on? Shutterstock/Joe Gough Reclassifying processed meats The WA Department of...

Promotional techniques on junk food packaging are a problem for children’s health – Australia could do better, report Gary Sacks and Alexandra Jones Too many Australian children are eating diets high in added sugars, saturated fats, salt, energy and ultra-processed foods. And often, they’re not getting...

What if you could entice your children to eat balanced lunches every day? Originating in Japan, Bento is a home-packed meal in a box-shaped container that holds rice and meats with pickled or cooked vegetables in sectioned compartments. They always look amazing, and if you can get...

A new bill could improve kids’ health, reports researcher Peter Breadon NSW independent MP and former GP Sophie Scamps will introduce a bill into federal parliament that would restrict junk food advertisements aimed at children. The Broadcasting Services Amendment (Healthy Kids Advertising) Bill 2023 would target advertising...

Donna Hay's Banana and Coconut Muffin recipe can be frozen and then ready when required for surprise visitors. Perfect for everyone's lunch boxes too! Ingredients 3 cups (780g) roughly mashed banana (about 8 bananas) 11/4 Cups (100g) shredded coconut 1 x quantity base muffin mixture (see...

 Donna Hay's Base Muffin Mixture is used by her for many of her great muffin recipes. Try to add some of your own favourites to her Base Recipe like blueberries! Ingredients 2½ cups (375g) self-raising (self-rising) flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup (220g) raw caster (superfine)...

Dental experts are reminding parents to keep an eye on the amount of hidden sugar kids can consume on a daily basis. As parents and carers, we are busier than ever, and making and packing our kids' lunches can feel like a daily challenge. However, it's...

There's clear evidence that the caffeine levels are too high for many of us, reports Accredited Practising Dietitian Evangeline Mantzioris Prime drinks have been heavily promoted in Australia, leading to frenzied sales in supermarkets and being banned in schools. Prime offers two products: one is marketed as...