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A kids’ book series is a fun and memorable way for your child to connect to reading. We can all recall the series that “raised” us as a reader through childhood and into our teenage years, whether they were detective stories, fantasy, or books about friendship....

 How do we help those most at risk? ask researchers Melissa Cain and Joanne Quick There is increasing concern about Australian students falling behind in numeracy and literacy. NAPLAN results show that 16.2% of Year 3 students are at or below the national minimum standards in numeracy,...

As the 2023 school year's final term beckons, LiteracyPlanet has a special gift just for educators! These invaluable resources are now available for a free download via the LiteracyPlanet Pinterest page. In a climate of constrained educational budgets and limited classroom hours, LiteracyPlanet recognised the critical need...

Kylie Hillman reports that her research shows Australia’s Year 4 students have not lost ground on their reading skills, despite all the disruptions to schooling during the pandemic. A major international test has found about 80% of students have “more than elementary” skills in reading comprehension....

Learning grammar is just as important as it always was but the way we teach it has changed, writes  John Munro Many students returning to school this year face a renewed focus on grammar. Just before Christmas, the NSW curriculum was overhauled to include the “explicit...

It’s hard for parents to help kids with homework without doing it for them, writes Joanne O'Mara  It can be especially difficult to work out where to start when your child is preparing a speech for school. You might find your child is procrastinating more about getting...

Debate over how to teach children to read has raged over the past 40 years. But what is the best practice for those children who are struggling with reading and how should we intervene? Dr Jon Quach, Dr Tanya Serry, Professor Janet Clinton and Professor Sharon...

Filmmaker Hailey Bartholomew talks to CHILD about the incredible power of teaching literacy and numeracy in remote and marginalised Aussie communities....

In my son’s schools, there has been a lack of expectation for my child, clearly demonstrated by the absence of appropriate goals being set for him....