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Research into unit layouts reveals most are designed to meet the needs of developers rather than residents. In the bustling cityscape of Sydney, the rise of apartment living has become a popular choice for families seeking urban convenience. However, a recent study led by UNSW Sydney...

Kids can learn how to make this colourful name banner to hang on their bedroom door. ...

Feeling controlled by the chaos in your home? Maintaining a tidy home is a never-ending challenge, write Jamal Abarashi and Taghreed Hikmet And tidiness goes beyond aesthetics – it contributes to a person’s mental wellbeing. So what are the best strategies for creating and maintaining order? A growing...

But what do families want from apartments? ask Nicole Cook, Shanaka Herath and Sophie-May Kerr The family-friendly apartment is an idea whose time has come. In the Liverpool CBD in Sydney, for example, half the apartments are occupied by families with children, our newly published study...

From 1 November 2022 NSW moves into the next stage with a number of food service items being phased out including: Single-use plastic straws*, stirrers and cutlery Single-use plastic plates and bowls Expanded polystyrene foodware. These changes follow the ban on lightweight plastic bags that took...

Pretty soon, many more Australians are going to be composting their food waste, write Cheryl Desha, Kimberley Reis and Savindi Caldera. Here are some great tips so you too can create your own “black gold”.  The Victorian government kicks off its four-bin system from this...

Around the Kitchen Table by Sophie Hansen and Annie Herron, pub. Murdoch Books, pb. RRP$39.99 Written by food writer Sophie Hansen and her mum, art teacher Annie Herron, it celebrates the joy and sense of satisfaction that comes with preparing a simple meal to share, pencilling a...

Remember when kids played in the street? It’s time to do that again. Aussie families are stepping out onto the playground right outside their front door - the road....

Being a parent presents us with daily challenges, including decisions about what things to expose our children to, writes Pushpa Wood. One of the questions I am constantly asked by parents is what should they teach their children about money, and at what age. Talking about...