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Try these fun ideas to encourage mindful practices at home. If your primary-school-aged kids are like mine, they’re the ones telling you to recycle and turn off the lights.With younger children, you can take the lead and encourage mindful practices around the home. ...

Don’t forget to take regular breaks and breathe, writes Paul Ginns Around Australia, Year 12 students are heading into the final stretch of study before exams start in early term 4. This is typically seen as a very intense period of preparation. But, as our research...

Kim McDonnell challenges us to rethink our drive for perfection. Nobody ever really tells you just how hard motherhood can be. Sure, you hear about the physical demands, sleepless nights, unequivocal love you will feel and how “your life will never be the same”.  All of...

Say hello to our CHILD nature mini-mag. Did you know we create monthly mini- mags? You can totally read them on your phone. Neat, right?...

TRAIN YOUR MIND INTO GREATER CALM IN TEN MINUTES A DAY After two years of unprecedented challenges – lockdowns, chronic uncertainty, home-schooling, ongoing stress – life is starting to return to normal. However, after such trauma, many of us need to re-energise and rebuild. Mindfulness meditation...

Lea Waters reports how positive psychology can unlock your child’s potential and enhance their well-being It’s widely accepted in today’s culture that good parenting requires a balance of warmth and control. Research shows that parents who respond to the needs of children in loving ways, whilst...

Stressful Christmas? How meditation can (and can’t) help you through, writes Nicholas T. Van Dam. Images of happy families, joyous celebrations and perfectly wrapped presents. Must be Christmas, right? While these cues can be linked to eager anticipation and enthusiasm, they can also remind us of...

That voice in our heads can get pretty nasty, can’t it? It just loves to tell us what we’re doing wrong, what we aren’t capable of, how terrible we look. Today we talked to trainer and author Lizzie Williamson about how to silence the negative...

“Stupid coronavirus!” I heard my six-year-old mumble while talking in her sleep. “Stupid coronavirus indeed!” Hearing this reminded me these are strange and worrying times for young children. While we need to look after ourselves and others, we also need to consider how all this is affecting...