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Emma Williams writes of her experience with hyperemesis gravidarum, an oft-misunderstood condition in which pregnant women experience relentless nausea and vomiting. I had heard about morning sickness and wasn’t looking forward to it happening to me. At six weeks pregnant, I felt fantastic and thought I...

So why do we still call it that? asks researchers Luke Grzeskowiak and Hannah Jackson As many as 90% or more of pregnant people experience some degree of nausea or vomiting, often colloquially referred to as “morning sickness”. For some, it is relatively mild, coming and going...

The wait of expectation falls more heavily on some than others, writes Kate Triglone. “I hate waiting!” is the phrase of the week in our house. My son yells these three words through gritted teeth several times a day. Usually, it’s because he has to wait...

 From nausea to constipation and farting, Vincent Ho and Kate Levett look at what's going on in a mums gut after baby's birth It’s two weeks after the birth of your healthy bub and you notice your gut isn’t feeling quite right. Maybe you feel a bit...