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A new framework by La Trobe University’s Judith Lumley Centre aims to empower childbirth experiences by aligning coping strategies with women’s preferences and values. This initiative follows concerns about birth trauma highlighted in the New South Wales Parliamentary Inquiry into Birth Trauma. The research, led by...

We’re blinded by the birth block. We read all the books and take all the classes to help prepare for that one momentous day (and we should; birth IS important). But, we fail to see past birth and too often neglect to prepare for postpartum,...

New Guidelines to Support Very Preterm Babies Australian health experts have introduced groundbreaking guidelines to enhance the long-term health outcomes of children born very preterm. These clinical practice guidelines are the first of their kind in the country, focusing on the care of babies born before...

In preparation for her first pregnancy, Helen Kronberger ploughed through every parenting book available, but these days, she is a little more selective in her reading. The first time around, I treated my due date for giving birth like the date of a major exam. I...

Danielle Aalders reflects on giving birth by caesarean when this was not part of her plans. When I found out I was pregnant, I stated to anyone who would listen that I did not want to have a caesarean. I was quite emphatic about it. I...

  Linda Gallo and  Shelley Wilkinson are concerned too many people are relying on “pink” multivitamins. Growing a healthy baby relies on getting enough nutrients while pregnant. But rather than following a healthy diet to provide those nutrients, we’re concerned too many people are relying on “pink” multivitamins. These...

A recent study from the Molly Wardaguga Research Centre at Charles Darwin University has revealed that private midwifery programs in Australia provide better outcomes for mothers and their babies compared to the national average. This could be exciting news for prospective parents considering their maternity...

Monash University researchers have identified several barriers that people experiencing infertility face in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and have proposed practical solutions to address these challenges. The study highlights that individuals with infertility often lack knowledge and opportunities in the following areas, which impede their ability...

Should I get one? What do I need to know? Allen Cheng looks at some answers. anon_tae/Shutterstock Influenza is a common respiratory infection. Although most cases are relatively mild, flu can cause more severe illness in young children and older people. Influenza virtually disappeared from Australia during the...

When Elizabeth Kenyon is pregnant with her third child, things do not go according to plan. My husband and I were very smug when we conceived our third child, as it happened exactly when we’d hoped. The ideal timing made up for the fact that in...