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A new sibling can start as a threat but end as a friend, writes Sarah Cameron. Imagine your husband comes home from work one day with another woman. He introduces her to you and explains that she will be joining the family from this day forward....

Government is going to pay super on paid parental leave. Michelle Grattan, looks at who is eligible and what else could be in the 2024 Budget. The government will pay superannuation on its paid parental leave from July 1 next year. This will benefit about 180,000...

Jacqueline Hendriks, suggests 7 ways you can to model good behaviour for your kids Children and young people may be seeing news headlines about men murdering women or footage of people rallying to call for action. Perhaps they or their friends have even gone to the...

Gabriella Salmon tells of being in the world of motherhood, but not of it. I spend my days wiping snotty noses, changing dirty nappies and interpreting two-year-old speak. I have spent anxious hours in the hospital with a croupy 18-month-old, and I have dealt simultaneously with...

CONTENT WARNING: Physical violence, graphic violence; violence against women and children. Monash academic Steven Roberts’ life is littered with experiences of family violence, witnessed growing up, and perpetrated against him. By talking about it, he’s hoping to draw attention to the need for men to speak...

‘Why did he Leave Me?’  is one, reports researcher Lauren Breen, Death and grief are not easy to talk about. Talking to children about these can be harder still. Our instinct to protect children from harsh realities means we might avoid these topics altogether. But, as we...

A bumper Bluey episode is about to hit screens, writes Divna Haslam. This special episode of the hit kids show will premiere on April 14. The episode will run for 28 minutes, which is four times the usual length of a Bluey episode. My kids are...

 Tamara Heath wonders if liberation equals hyphenation – or is it just more complication? For want of a better solution, my daughters have a hyphenated surname. And I am the first to admit the ‘double banger’ name can be more than a little annoying. It takes careful...