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Australia’s largest survey of children’s happiness finds that sleep is a key indicator of wellbeing – but traditional things like reading and pets still make kids smile Andrew Trounson talks to Professor Lisa Gibbs, Chair of the University of Melbourne’s Children’s Lives Initiative What are kids telling...

Up to 80% of autistic children have problems with sleep, and this may be worsened by other medications they are prescribed.  Sleep Foundation New study looks to test alternative to medication Autistic children are often prescribed medication, including for sleep conditions such as insomnia. But is...

Dr Carmel Harrington has been working in the world of sleep for nearly 20 years. She has 6 tips for parents to promote quality sleep in their children. Ensure your child’s bedroom is conducive to sleep. A relaxing environment will ultimately allow your child...

Tresillian uses responsive settling strategies. The techniques provided here will encourage you to respond promptly and sensitively to your baby’s needs. Tresillian’s settling strategy We use the following cues to signal when to implement our responsive settling strategies: Distress Non-verbal cues States of consciousness Active and quiet...

Why do kids hate going to sleep, while adults usually love it? Asks Gemma Paech. The school holidays are here, and parents struggling to get their children to bed will no doubt be thinking: what is wrong with you? I would do anything to get more...

For children, it's not just about getting enough sleep, reports Yaqoot Fatima. Bed time matters, too Adequate sleep is key to good health, well-being and proper functioning across all life stages but is especially critical for children. Poor sleep can inhibit rapid growth and development in...

We explore the issue of fatigue in children and the importance of creating a good sleep routine....

Besides noise, weather and an unsettled baby; what else can affect your sleep?...