26 Jul Simple and Cute Toast Art For Kids
Posted at 19:30h
in Inspire
You know those nights when the dinner menu is…well, non existent. We strongly believe that feeding your kids toast for dinner is perfectly acceptable in any form. But if it looks like this, then you’re totally winning!

We put our heads together and dreamed up some cute creations, all using a few key ingredients; peanut butter, strawberry, banana, cranberries and the odd liquorice strap thrown in. Would you tell this little bear that she isn’t the perfectly balanced meal? That would just be mean.
Tips for creating you own toast art.
- Keep it simple – look for the shapes that naturally occur in fruit or veggies. The flower basically made itself.
- Contrast is king, a background that’s light needs a dark front and vice versa. Think Vegemite background with cheese in front – perfect!
- I haven’t used them for these creations but cookie cutters are your best friend. You could use little flower ones to make a garden, chuck an apple duck on peanut butter sanga or fancy up a starry night with Vegemite and cheese.
- Set the kids up and tell them to get making, they’re so much more visual and creative than us. They get to be creative, feed themselves and literally eat the mess up when they’re finished.
- Feel free to share your creations on Instagram using the hashtags #CHILDtoastart or #thisiscreativemotherhood so we can repost our favourites.
As a side note, I don’t know if you guys have this problem at home, but it’s pretty common for kids not to like foods that are combined. You know? Give them some chicken, veggies, sauce to dip in and a side of pasta and they’ll eat it. Stir it up together and no deal.
It might not be a veggie pasta dish, but because it’s fun, they may not notice that the foods are touching each other. It’s a huge win for parents of fussy eaters. Peanut butter and strawberry together is a nice, interesting combo and that’s an awesome thing for their palate to experience.
Images by Barbara O’Reilly