08 Dec 12 Christmas Acts Of Kindness Kids Can Do
With help from Camp Quality we have put together 12 ways that kids can help spread some kindness during the giving season.
Have you ever heard of paying it forward, good karma, or the saying ‘love thy neighbour’? A simple act of kindness can really make someone else’s day. The best part is – it’s really simple to do!
Here are a few ways that kids can shine the light of kindness around their local community.
1. Do a household chore for someone without them knowing.
2. Write a letter to a friend or family member detailing all the things that you love about them.
3. Put mince pies and milk out for Santa and Rudolph.
4. Pick some flowers and gift them to someone to make them smile.
5. Wrap storybooks and put them under the tree. Each day choose one to unwrap and read it as a family.
6. Bake biscuits for a special person or family pet!
7. Sing songs at a local nursing home.
8. Put something on your Santa list for someone less fortunate.
9. Find a toy you no longer play with and give it to charity.
10. Tell each member of your family three things they do that make you smile.
11. Make a card for your neighbours, even if you’ve never met them before.
12. Ask your family to tell you something about themselves you didn’t know yet.
Big thanks to Camp Quality for sharing some of their Acts of Kid-ness with us.