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Kylie Ladd examines the approach taken by some schools to teach children in multi-age classes. I’m standing in the middle of the biggest classroom I have ever seen, one of four at Spensley Street Primary School in Melbourne’s inner north. Within each large open-plan room, 85...

Rosemary Neilson recalls the initially difficult process of adapting to her daughter’s insistence on a vegetarian diet. Only a lucky few mums and dads are spared the daily trauma of having to coax their small children to eat up and eat well at mealtimes. Toddlers can...

Beatrix Hooper* looks at the years of anxiety and tears her family spent, searching to get the correct diagnosis for her son's behaviour. Part one: The Years of Frustration ‘Yes, your child has autism,’ the psychologist told us. I couldn’t help it. I burst into tears. Even though I...

Governments spend less than half the amount per child in early childhood education compared to what they spend per child in school. from shutterstock.com reports Kate Noble, Victoria University and Peter Hurley, Victoria University This is according to recently released data. This has been the situation for some...

February 2020 is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and Dr Katelyn Lee from PRP Imaging busts some common misconceptions when it comes to the cancer, which is the 10th most diagnosed cancer in Australian women.* Ovarian cancer is actually one of the more deadly female cancers, in...

This month, our mini mag focuses on Create + Play. Our two fave things! It’s packed with DIY's and activities to keep the kids busy and entertained....

Professors in education Sue Dockett and Bob Perry outline the factors that lead to a successful transition to school. Children start school in Australia at different ages and at different times, depending on which State or Territory they happen to inhabit. For example, in NSW and...

Just because you can't go away these holidays, doesn't mean you can't still get into the holiday spirit. Here are some tips to turn your house into the perfect resort that not only saves you the hassle of packing and unpacking, but is a lot...

Explaining to her son that school was a five-days-a-week deal was never going to be easy for Elizabeth Bate. Sam’s first few days of 'Grade One' went surprisingly well – too well, perhaps. Our local primary school had arranged for a gradual introduction by allowing the...