16 Jun Madison’s Vegan Baby Shower
A high-tea vegan baby shower set in a beautiful rainforest park in Currumbin, Queensland.
Jerome and I celebrated our love and excitement for the little girl growing inside my belly at a rainforesty park in Currumbin, Queensland. I was 30 weeks pregnant. Jerome and my family had been secretly planning all the amazing details of our high-tea baby shower picnic for the few weeks prior, so I was extra excited to see what had been organised and prepared. I was so grateful that they were all involved in the preparations and dedicated to making it ever so whimsical. Jerome was constantly on the phone delegating tasks to my mum and nanna as they became secret squirrels in the quest to create and host the perfect vegan high-tea baby shower… and of course, it was absolutely perfect.
My mum made these delicious savoury goodies.
Nanna and I made the yummy sweet treats. The top tier is my basic vanilla cupcakes. The second and third tiers are Nanna’s delicious vegan melting moments and yummy date slice bites. My husband Jerome bought me these cute little bottles and straws to serve the delicious pink grapefruit lemonade he made for the baby shower the night before. Everyone loved his lemonade and the sweet drink dispenser.
Nanna’s pretty tea cups on the left were delightful to serve tea in for the guests.
Here is my lovely Nanna in her cute little apron. Jerome made this cute tea box to hold the tea bags in for the baby shower. He built it himself, painted it and handpainted the word ‘tea’.
Mum ordered a vegan cake for the baby shower. It came with lots of cute little cupcakes decorated with pretty dummies.
Delicious puff pastry cones filled with chocolate, custard and strawberries.
Family and friends enjoyed eating delicious vegan food and sitting on the picnic blanket.
My dad, Mikey, on the left enjoying some of Jerome’s delicious pink lemonade. Jerome and Poppa strung up these pretty vintage doors on the right as an entrance to our baby shower – so beautiful! Such a nice entrance to the park for our guests.
Cute little horsey on the left with hair styled by Mum. My family on the right admiring my 30 week belly!
Madison, 23, lives in Australia with her husband Jerome, baby Mia, naughty Chihuahua Peanut and her guinea pig Mr. Sniffles. When Madison is not writing for her vegan blog called Veggieful, which is filled with vegan recipes, information and an overload of beany cartoon goodness, she is photographing weddings along with her husband Jerome.
Words by Madison Veggieful.com / Images by Jerome Veggieful.com