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A new framework by La Trobe University’s Judith Lumley Centre aims to empower childbirth experiences by aligning coping strategies with women’s preferences and values. This initiative follows concerns about birth trauma highlighted in the New South Wales Parliamentary Inquiry into Birth Trauma. The research, led by...

We’re blinded by the birth block. We read all the books and take all the classes to help prepare for that one momentous day (and we should; birth IS important). But, we fail to see past birth and too often neglect to prepare for postpartum,...

Kate Triglone writes about the double-edged nature of the sleep-deprived, hazy period of life with a newborn. My friend Sharee has a theory: when you have a baby you enter a different time zone occupied only by other parents of newborns – Baby Time. In the...

If a baby is unsettled and a poor sleeper, an allergy or intolerance to something in mum’s diet and passed on through breast milk could be the underlying cause, writes Joy Anderson. Your baby is awake and crying again for another breastfeed! Even if carried all...

Matt Fernandez, Giovanni E. Ferreira and Joshua Zadro look at why Chiropractors have been banned again from manipulating babies’ spines. Chiropractors in Australia will not be able to perform spinal manipulation on children under the age of two once more, following health concerns from doctors and...

New Guidelines to Support Very Preterm Babies Australian health experts have introduced groundbreaking guidelines to enhance the long-term health outcomes of children born very preterm. These clinical practice guidelines are the first of their kind in the country, focusing on the care of babies born before...

Damon Young and his wife have decided to share the highs and lows of parenting and of work. Last year, we brought our baby daughter home from the hospital. Life was part euphoria, part coma as we juggled nappies, baths, meals, washing, and our curious toddler. We...

Through their entrepreneurial journeys, two mothers have inspired many and demonstrated the profound impact that one person's idea can have on the lives of countless others. In a heartwarming tale of ingenuity and determination, two Aussie mums are revolutionising the lives of other mothers with their...

Whooping cough is surging in Australia. Why? asks Laurence Don Wai Luu, and how can we protect ourselves? Australia is facing a whooping cough outbreak. Some 2,799 cases were recorded in the first three months of 2024. Cases are highest in Queensland and New South Wales,...

Mothers are born right alongside their babies, and while they always need support, it’s especially important in the fourth trimester (the first three months after birth), writes Emily Mitchell This postpartum period is a time unlike any other. Everything is different. Who you are has evolved,...