21 Oct 8 Bushfire Safety Tips
Important things to remember in case of a bushfire.
With bushfires currently affecting many parts of Australia, it’s important to be prepared for potential threats to your home or family. If you live or work in or near bushland here are some safety tips from the NSW Rural Fire Service:
1. Prepare a bushfire survival plan to help you assess whether to leave your home or stay and defend during a bushfire and how to prepare and protect your family and property.
2. Be aware of the fire-danger rating each day. It is recommended you don’t stay to defend your home if there is a catastrophic or extreme-fire-danger rating.
3. Keep informed on major fire updates and be ready to act. If you receive a bushfire alert, take it seriously and act promptly. Updates on the fires in NSW are available by calling 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737).
4. Prepare an emergency survival kit that includes a battery-operated portable radio, waterproof torch, spare batteries, first-aid kit, candles with waterproof matches, woollen blankets, emergency contact numbers, waterproof bag, cash and credit cards, medications and toiletry items, mobile phone and charger, pocket knife, important documents/photos in a waterproof bag, a change of clothes for every member of the family, and drinking water.
5. Contain pets so they can be easily found in case of evacuation, and provide them with water, shade and a safe place. Prepare an emergency survival kit for pets that includes a basket/cage/leash, medications or dietary supplements, food and drinking water, and a familiar toy or item to help reduce stress.
6. Identify a neighbourhood safer place: a building or open space away from bushland that can provide some protection from the immediate threat of a bushfire.
7. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
8. Wear protective clothing such as denim jeans, leather boots/shoes, a wide-brimmed hat, glasses/goggles, gloves, a non-synthetic mask/cloth, and a cotton or wool long-sleeved shirt.
To report all fires, call 000 (Triple Zero) or SES 13 2500
Bushfire Warnings – What Do They Mean?
- There is no immediate danger. Stay up to date in case the situation changes.
Watch & Act
- Conditions are changing and you need to start taking action now to protect you and your family.
Emergency Warning
- You are in imminent in danger and need to take action immediately. Any delay now puts your life at risk.
Don’t expect warnings to be issued in any particular order — the first you hear about could be an Emergency Warning.
Fire danger ratings tell you how dangerous a fire would be if one started.
Total fire bans tell you what you can or can’t do on days where fire will spread rapidly and be out of control.
Source: Rural Fire Service
A.C.T ACT Bushfire maps
Victoria 1800 226 226 (for updated information)
W.A Emergency Information 13 3337
Words by Sheshtyn de Souza