sad-woman miscarriage

For some, Mother’s Day can be painful reminder of loss

As Mother’s Day approaches this Sunday, it’s important to remember that for some, this day can be a painful reminder of loss and grief.

Miscarriage is a common experience that affects many women and their families, and the lack of support and resources can make it even harder to cope. That’s why it’s so important to support organizations like Bear of Hope, which provides comfort and resources to those who have experienced miscarriage and infant loss.

For women who have experienced miscarriage, Mother’s Day can bring up a range of emotions and questions. It’s a time when they may feel particularly vulnerable and in need of support. Unfortunately, accessing that support can be even harder for those who don’t speak English as their first language, as language barriers and lack of resources can make it difficult to find the help they need.

That’s why initiatives like Miscarriage Australia are so important. This website provides evidence-based resources and information about miscarriage, including how to support someone who has experienced a loss. It also offers resources in multiple languages, making it accessible to women from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Dr Amita Tuteja, a Senior Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and University of Melbourne doctoral candidate stresses the importance of social support for women from CALD backgrounds. Miscarriage is a private matter; many women may not have friends or family members who can provide them with the emotional support they need. That’s why initiatives like Miscarriage Australia are so crucial.

Co-lead Professor Meredith Temple-Smith from the University of Melbourne’s Department of General Practice emphasizes the need for funding to make these resources available in even more languages. “Miscarriage affects women regardless of their cultural background or ethnicity,” she says. “It’s vital that we can translate these resources into multiple languages, so they are accessible to all.”

Donating to organizations like Bears of Hope is a small but meaningful way to make a difference in the lives of those who have experienced miscarriage and infant loss. Miscarriage Australia is a collaboration of researchers and clinicians from Monash University, the University of Melbourne and Deakin University, whose research aims to improve support for those affected.

Dr Jade Bilardi, a Senior Research Fellow at Monash University’s Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, points out that miscarriage is a loss that is often not spoken about, despite its frequency and the lasting psychological impacts it can have. It’s crucial that we offer support and resources to those who have experienced this loss, particularly on days like Mother’s Day.


“Since becoming a Mum I have always felt incredibly grateful on Mother’s Day, but after I had miscarriages while trying to have a second child, Mother’s Day became a painful reminder that my family felt incomplete…. I felt some guilt on Mother’s Day that I felt sad. I knew I was lucky to be a Mum, but I so wanted another baby and I saw so many photos on social media of my Mum friends with their complete families. It was hard not to feel a sadness and a longing” (Alix)

“The year after our first loss, Mother’s Day fell on the day we would have been due. I made sure that we went somewhere special to get away from it all, I switched off my phone and stayed away from anything triggering. But it was hard. Whether you carry your child full term or not, they were loved from the moment you find out you were pregnant.” (Lyndal)

As Mother’s Day approaches, let’s remember to be sympathetic and supportive of those who have experienced loss. And let’s take action by donating to organizations like Bears of Hope and supporting initiatives like Miscarriage Australia, which provide comfort and resources to those in need.
