Free guide helps early childhood organisations identify and support trauma affected children

The Alannah & Madeline Foundation, in collaboration with Monash University, has launched the Trauma-Informed Practice: A Guide for Early Childhood Organizations (TIO Practice Guide).

This guide helps early childhood organisations integrate trauma-informed approaches into their operations.

This invaluable resource, developed with the support of Gowrie Victoria and funded by the Bowden Marstan Foundation and the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust, equips early childhood organisations to integrate trauma-informed approaches into their operations.

Childhood trauma is a significant concern in Australia, impacting over 62% of children and young people. Trauma during childhood can have lasting effects on cognitive, social, and emotional development. High-quality early education is essential for early identification and appropriate support for affected children and families.

However, educators face challenges, including limited training in trauma awareness and the potential for vicarious trauma themselves due to exposure to children’s traumatic experiences. Workforce shortages and high turnover make it difficult for organisations to recruit and retain early childhood educators.

The TIO Practice Guide addresses both individual training and organisational issues.

The guide aims to increase understanding of trauma’s impact, support the staff, foster supportive environments, and recognise and address vicarious trauma experienced by educators.

The Alannah & Madeline Foundation was founded 26 years ago by Walter Mikac AM and a small group of volunteers in memory of Walter’s young daughters, Alannah and Madeline Mikac, aged just six and three, who tragically lost their lives along with their mother and 32 others at Port Arthur in Tasmania on 28 April 1996. The Foundation was established with the belief that “all children and young people should be able to live a happy and safe life, free from violence and trauma.” Our mission continues today through our Care, Prevention and Advocacy programs – we fight for their right to be safe so their future is strong. 

Trauma-Informed Practice: A Guide for Early Childhood Organisations is available to download here.

