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What is eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR)? researchers Peta Stapleton and Cher McGillivray look at the current theories. Childhood traumatic experiences are common. Almost one in three (32%) Australians reported being physically abused as a child, 31% experienced emotional abuse, 28.5% were victims of sexual...

The Alannah & Madeline Foundation, in collaboration with Monash University, has launched the Trauma-Informed Practice: A Guide for Early Childhood Organizations (TIO Practice Guide). This guide helps early childhood organisations integrate trauma-informed approaches into their operations. This invaluable resource, developed with the support of Gowrie Victoria and...

Here's how to care for your sore hands and wrists by Dave Parsons We are back to pounding keyboards and swiping phones for another year. But with so much of today’s learning, working and socialising happening via devices, hand and wrist injuries are both common and...

Every childhood experience has an impact on the body and mind and some are more lasting and meaningful than others, advises Gail Smith. Sometimes due to circumstances that may be out of your control as parents, your child may experience severe trauma. This could be because...

Leticia Anderson, Kathomi Gatwiri, Lynette Riley and Marcelle Townsend-Cross look at ways teachers (and parents) can bring the topic of racism comfortably into the classroom. As Black Lives Matter protests rage across the world, many of us are motivated to learn more about racism and talk...

Mental health issues among children are on the rise due to the impacts of the COVID pandemic, including lockdowns, write Emily Berger and Karen Martin Recent reports show there has been a 28% spike in calls to the phone counselling service Kids Helpline between March and...