18 Mar New book for parents, educators and others to mark World Autism Day
The 12th annual World Autism Day is on 2nd April and author Monique Cain, a mother of two children with autism, shares her honest and frank journey with her new book Never Give Up.
Never Give Up is an honest and heart-wrenching account of one family’s journey with autism. Monique openly shares her struggles and learnings as she navigated early diagnosis and support. She was motivated to write a book that offered a realistic portrayal of the day to day living with autism in Australia, beyond any professional or therapeutic commentary. It is written for parents of children who have experienced a recent diagnosis, friends and family, teachers and special needs, OTs and psychologists, staff of autism support networks who are specialised in helping people but don’t live it every day.
Her very frank account demystifies some of the challenges of families coping with autism as they ride the rollercoaster from diagnosis to integration. From feelings of despair to acceptance, her book gives readers a glimpse into the life of a mother dealing with the day to day challenges as her family finds support and hope.
“I set out to write the book as a personal exercise in self-healing and soon found myself writing a memoir loaded with practical tips inspired by my conversations and reflections with other families,” said Ms Cain.
“I recognised that I could help others in my situation when dealing with the daily struggles of autism, including family and friends, or those offering education and support services. The book talks directly to families who may also feel overwhelmed or alone in their autistic experiences on a day to day basis.”
Ms Cain is also the author of 5 children’s books for young readers which share how the world is experienced by an autistic person. Her Everyday Autism Series of books are highly respected by educators and carers as a resource to encourage integration and understanding.
Never Give Up is released by 3MT Media and is available on this website and selected local and specialist book stores and therapy and autism services RRP $24.95
The 12th annual World Autism Day is on 2nd April in recognition of people living with autism and those who support their journey.