• In today’s challenging economic climate, many parents find it increasingly difficult to manage their children’s requests for things they cannot afford. Explaining financial constraints to children can be tough, especially when it comes to saying no without causing disappointment or misunderstandings. Constructively responding to these...

  • Senaka Ranadheera gives some helpful tips on how you can keep your fruit, veggies and herbs fresh longer We all know fresh produce is good for us, but fruit, vegetables and herbs have a tendency to perish quickly if left uneaten. This is because even...

  • Whooping cough is surging in Australia. Why? asks Laurence Don Wai Luu, and how can we protect ourselves? Australia is facing a whooping cough outbreak. Some 2,799 cases were recorded in the first three months of 2024. Cases are highest in Queensland and New South...

  • Some online platforms are starting to measure ‘student engagement’ at school, writes Chris Zomer. Here’s what you need to know. There is increasing concern children are less focused in school. This is often blamed on smartphones and social media. At the same time, there is...

  • During International Fathers‘ Mental Health Day on June 17th 2024, the Centre for Perinatal Psychology is encouraging dads who may be struggling to come forward and seek help. While it has long been recognised that as many as 15 per cent of new mothers may...

  • ‘No mullets, no mohawks, no ‘awkwardly contrasting colours’.  Researcher Kayla Mildren looks at disputes over school uniform policies and why they often involve hair. A Queensland dad recently took his four-year-old son out of the Gold Coast’s A.B. Paterson College because the school had ordered...

Celebrating Mothers

  • A new framework by La Trobe University’s Judith Lumley Centre aims to empower childbirth experiences by aligning coping strategies with women’s preferences and values. This initiative follows concerns about birth trauma highlighted in the New South Wales Parliamentary Inquiry into Birth Trauma. The research, led...

  • We’re blinded by the birth block. We read all the books and take all the classes to help prepare for that one momentous day (and we should; birth IS important). But, we fail to see past birth and too often neglect to prepare for postpartum,...

  • If a baby is unsettled and a poor sleeper, an allergy or intolerance to something in mum’s diet and passed on through breast milk could be the underlying cause, writes Joy Anderson. Your baby is awake and crying again for another breastfeed! Even if carried...

  • New Guidelines to Support Very Preterm Babies Australian health experts have introduced groundbreaking guidelines to enhance the long-term health outcomes of children born very preterm. These clinical practice guidelines are the first of their kind in the country, focusing on the care of babies born...