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3 ways screens can get kids moving Researchers Juliana Zabatiero, Kate Highfield, Leon Straker and Susan Edwards look at how screens can help children be physically active. There have been concerns about screens making kids more sedentary and less active since TV was introduced more than half a...

How 22 minutes of exercise a day could reduce the health risks from sitting too long, advise researchers Matthew Ahmadi and Emmanuel Stamatakis People in developed countries spend an average of nine to ten hours a day sitting. Whether it’s spending time in front of a...

  Lewis Ingram, Hunter Bennett and Saravana Kumar suggest 3 things you should include in a DIY exercise program With the rising cost of living, gym memberships and fitness classes are becoming increasingly unaffordable. But the good news is you can make just as much progress...

 10 science-backed tips may help! Report Carol Maher and Ben Singh We’ve all heard those people who say “running gives you a high” or “exercise is addictive,” but for many of us, it’s hard to love exercise. Some might even say they hate it, dread it,...

Kids’ fitness is at risk while they miss sport and hobbies— but mums are getting more physical! Report Tim Olds, Carol Maher and Verity Booth. For most of our lives, the rhythms of our days are governed by crystallised routines: we get up, have breakfast, go...

There are many benefits in maintaining your fitness during pregnancy, let us break it down for you. ...