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  Elise Waghorn looks at how to get the balance right on extracurricular activities for your child. It’s a weeknight, parents rush through the door from work, grab a snack, and then speed off in various directions to children’s extracurricular activities. As they do, they are...

Louise Hartley laments the erosion in social mores, and finds a trip to the ballet with her children an extremely exasperating excursion. It was my children’s first trip to the ballet. As we found our seats, I explained to them the importance of being quiet and...

So much is expected of schools these days. How often do we hear ‘This should be taught in school’? write Dr Ginni Mansberg and Jo Lamble Parent pressure We are seeing an increase in the number of parents who have leader­ship aspirations for their teenager and, as...

Extracurricular activities can build new skills, forge friendships and minimise screen time. We spoke to 4 different experts about the benefits of some extracurricular activities that you may not have even thought of....