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Understanding the psychology of goals can help tick things off – and keep you on track, reports researcher Kim M Caudwell. It feels like we are living in busy times. According to the OECD Better Life Index, 12.5% of Australians report working at least 50 hours a...

Teaching digital media literacy will, reports lecturer Melissa L. Gould The astounding rise in social media use in the past few years is seeing policy responses come to a head, both internationally and in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Some estimates put the number of people using social media...

We’re blinded by the birth block. We read all the books and take all the classes to help prepare for that one momentous day (and we should; birth IS important). But, we fail to see past birth and too often neglect to prepare for postpartum,...

 Here’s what to look out for, writes Samantha Vlcek We know children often miss more school days in the winter months as sickness sets in. But at this time of year, parents and teachers can also notice children disengaging from preferred activities and finding it more difficult...

 Psychologist Cher McGillivray explains why they might ignore you! Have you ever asked your child to do something simple, but no matter how many times you ask, they keep ignoring you? For example, on a school morning, you may call out, “Sarah, put your shoes on. We...

Damon Young and his wife have decided to share the highs and lows of parenting and of work. Last year, we brought our baby daughter home from the hospital. Life was part euphoria, part coma as we juggled nappies, baths, meals, washing, and our curious toddler. We...

Emotions don’t decide who you are, writes Shawna Mastro Campbell Inside Out 2 invites us back into the mind of Riley, now a 13-year-old ice-hockey enthusiast on the cusp of high school – and puberty. Literally overnight, her brain goes through a large-scale demolition and construction that...

Mothers are born right alongside their babies, and while they always need support, it’s especially important in the fourth trimester (the first three months after birth), writes Emily Mitchell This postpartum period is a time unlike any other. Everything is different. Who you are has evolved,...

atWork Australia's ParentsNext program has assisted over 27,000 parents in securing employment The ParentsNext program, offered by atWork Australia, provides vital support to parents preparing for employment as their children approach school age. The program has proven benefits, including improved wellbeing, increased work and study opportunities,...

During International Fathers' Mental Health Day on June 17th 2024, the Centre for Perinatal Psychology is encouraging dads who may be struggling to come forward and seek help. While it has long been recognised that as many as 15 per cent of new mothers may experience...