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– why teachers say dealing with parents is the worst part of their job. Report by Kirsten Lambert We know teachers are under a lot of pressure. Teacher shortages, growing workloads as well as the demands of a complex job mean many teachers are stressed. But my...

Single parents deserve our respect, and their own, writes Selina Earl. Do you ever feel like you are cruising down a bumpy lane with a driver who has fallen asleep at the wheel and veered off in the wrong direction? I feel as if I have barely...

Paid parental leave extended to 26 weeks by 2026, with pressure on dads to share more early caring, reports Michelle Grattan Government-funded paid parental leave will be extended, and more pressure placed on fathers to share caring for babies, under an initiative to be unveiled by...

Diane Johnson comes to understand that asking for a little help from our friends is not a sign of failure. While raising toddler twins and a primary-school age child, all boys, I would often hear comments that made me cringe. “My mother is coming for the...

Kate Triglone reflects on the importance of children being brought up surrounded by love and encouragement, and the damaging effects of fear and tension. Today I saw an irate woman slap someone in a supermarket, yet I did nothing. Neither did any of the other shoppers...

It’s hurting their mental health, report researchers Dr Tania King and Jennifer Ervin Billions of hours are spent in unpaid labour across the globe every day. It's a burden that is disproportionately shouldered by women. But in comparison to paid work, unpaid labour is an under-researched topic,...

Sheree Gleeson observes her sons and their friends as they negotiate their alliances. With four boys between us, the bond between my closest friend and I sometimes gets a robust work-out. Last week, Abby phoned. “I’m sending your two home and Finn to his bedroom,” she...

You can start with these books, suggests Emma Whatman  and Paul Venzo Parents will be increasingly aware they need to talk about consent with their children. There is no such thing as “too young” to start the conversation. In fact, the earlier the better, when it comes...

Treasured objects link the generations of a family, explains Kristen Hains. For my last birthday, I received a baby rattle. This rattle came delicately wrapped, with a note from my grandma: “This was given to your grandfather when he was born in 1922”. I’ve always thought...

 Here’s what they said, writes researcher Sharon Bessell What does a “fair go” look like for Australian children? We asked 130 children aged between seven and 13 years what makes communities strong, supportive, and fair. Many felt communities are about care and connection. As one ten-year-old girl...