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Kindness not only makes us feel good, science says it may also be good for our health....

Visually striking science experiments at school can be fun, inspiring and safe – banning is not the answer, writes Nathan Kilah and Peter Rutledge To a young mind, science can be magical. Perhaps you remember a visually striking or seemingly inexplicable scientific demonstration from your own...

If a child draws a scientist, what do they draw? asks Professor Moira O'Bryan If your answer is a young woman in a high-vis vest and hard hat, looking for dark matter in a cavernous physics laboratory one kilometre down a gold mine, then that is...

Laura Scholes and Sarah McDonald report on harmful gender stereotypes— and may be keeping girls away from STEM Gender stereotypes begin in early childhood. Bright pink “toys for girls” and blue “toys for boys” are sold on store shelves around the world. In the boys’ section you’ll find...

Hamish McCallum explains How will Delta evolve? The COVID-19 pandemic is a dramatic demonstration of evolution in action. Evolutionary theory explains much of what has already happened, predicts what will happen in the future and suggests which management strategies are likely to be the most effective. For...

Caitlyn Forster, Arisa Hosokawa, Eliza Middleton and Ryan Keith look at encouraging young nature detectives in the backyard! During lockdowns, millions of homes were transformed into mini schools as parents and teachers joined forces to facilitate remote learning. The experience proved education doesn’t only happen in...

Results from the longest running large-scale international assessment of maths and science show Australia has significantly improved in Year 8 maths and science, and Year 4 science, reports Sue Thomson More than 580,000 students from 64 countries participated in the latest Trends in International Mathematics and...

Australia hasn't performed well at maths and science recently. We're about to find out if we've improved Sue Thomson, Australian Council for Educational Research Every four years, the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) releases data on how effective countries are in teaching...

National Science Week: August 15 to 23. Australia’s biggest science festival is splashing into real schools, school-at-home, and virtual classrooms. With this year’s activities migrating online, stories have local talent and national reach: ▪ Make a melon go boom—Brisbane ▪ Gamers: can you power up enough molecules to fire...