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Social media will tell you birth control causes mental health issues, weight gain and infertility – here are the facts, writes Christopher O'Sullivan   You should only get contraception advice from your doctor or nurse – not social media. Kmpzzz/ Shutterstock Social media is full of bad advice when...

'Mother’s little helper': interviews with Australian women show a complex relationship with alcohol by Maree Patsouras, Cassandra Wright, Emmanuel Kuntsche, Gabriel Caluzzi  and Sandra Kuntsche Men have historically, and still do, drink more than women. But in recent years there has been an uptick in women’s drinking,...

New Study Highlights the Power of Personalized Support for Mums-to-Be Parents and caregivers of elementary school-aged kids! If you’re thinking about expanding your family or know someone who is, listen up! A recent study from Monash University has some exciting findings that could make a big...

Perimenopause usually begins in your 40s. How do you know if it has started? Asks Erin Morton More than half our population (50.7%) are born with ovaries and will experience perimenopause in midlife. This occurs as hormone levels decrease and ovaries slow their release of eggs. Perimenopause...

In case you missed it, perimenopause is in the news, writes Michelle Peate It came about as a result of Pursuit’s editor Imogen Crump experiencing a perimenopausal hot flush live on ABC News Breakfast television while talking about the big news stories of the day with...

Psychologist, Lowri Dowthwaite-Walsh, looks at why women are unhappy and four things they can do about it. Something strange is going on in women’s happiness research. Because despite having more freedom and employment opportunities than ever before, women have higher levels of anxiety and more mental...

Pelvic pain is a common but often overlooked issue that affects many women. During Women's Health Week, led by the non-profit organization Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, we want to shed light on this topic to empower women with knowledge about the "Pain Drain" caused by...

Does it work? Asks researchers Mike Armour, Cecilia Ng and Mathew Leonardi  Endometriosis is a painful condition caused by the presence of tissue similar to the lining of the uterus found outside the uterus. It affects around one in nine women and people assigned female at...

Researchers have discovered that some immunotherapy treatments used to treat cancer can cause fertility damage. It means these treatments could affect the future fertility and hormonal health of female cancer survivors, prompting experts to call for more research and preventative measures, such as freezing eggs. Traditional cancer...