Kylie Hillman reports that her research shows Australia’s Year 4 students have not lost ground on their reading skills, despite all the disruptions to schooling during the pandemic. A major international test has found about 80% of students have “more than elementary” skills in reading comprehension....

The Y NSW (previously the YMCA) launches Australia’s first alternative suspension program for kids suspended from school. Within 12 months of a student being suspended, they are 50 per cent more likely to engage in anti-social behaviour and 70 per cent more likely to engage in...

 Why We Should All Celebrate Rainbow Brains… When we hear about autism and ADHD, we may think of two distinct conditions, but the reality is much more complex. Both conditions frequently co-occur, and in many cases a person who is autistic may also have ADHD,...

Whether it's winter or summer energy costs that you are looking to reduce, these simple tips from an electrician may help you to reduce the costs — and save! Swap energy suppliers - Give your energy retailer a call and benchmark the price against other energy...

New research by Francisco Perales, Ella Kuskoff,  Michael Flood and Tania King, shows how young men ‘copy’ their fathers’ masculinity Today’s men express their maleness in different ways. Some adhere to more traditional models of masculinity, characterised by beliefs in male superiority and endorsement of risky...

A Wake-up Call for Parents: Understanding the Irreversible Impact on Young Lives Esra Haynes was a thirteen-year-old girl who recently lost her life to chroming—a drug craze that, according to recent studies, is increasing in popularity among young Australians. Esra was at a friend's sleepover when she...

Paul Kidson, Herb Marsh and Theresa Dicke report that they are pushed to the edge by mounting workloads, teacher shortages and abuse Australian schools have been under huge pressures in recent years. On top of concerns about academic progress and staff shortages, schools have faced significant,...

Asia capable initiatives that only target adults and young adults leaves it far too late – it has to start in our schools, writes Chris Higgins As the world becomes progressively more connected and interconnected, it’s increasingly important for all people to develop the skills and...