12 Jun DIY Animal Glitter Jars
Jars make great storage containers for stationery, hair ties and lollies, so why not try this cute method for reinventing them?
Jars with lids
Plastic animals
Masking tape
How to make
Lay down some newspaper to work on. Remove the lids from your jars.
Paint your animals and lids in colours of your choice. Allow to dry completely.
Glue an animal to the centre of each lid. Allow to dry.
Stick masking tape all the way around your jars in a straight line (approximately two-thirds down your jar).
Working with one jar at a time, paint glue onto the jar below the masking tape. While the glue is still wet, quickly pour glitter over the jar while rotating it to get an even coverage of glitter. Pat extra glitter on to cover any spots you have missed.
Repeat steps with the remainder of the jars. Remove masking tape from the jars and allow glue to dry, before attaching the lids to the jars.
Tip: Place a bowl below your jar while coating it in glitter so that any excess glitter can be captured then poured back into its container. Check the instructions on your glue to see that it can bond metal and plastic. Ask an adult to help you with this step if you’re using a strong glue like superglue.
Try this! Paint glue on your animals and sprinkle them with glitter for an extra sparkly effect!
Sophie Splatt is a Melbourne-based writer, children’s book editor and craft-maker. She runs a successful craft business, and has a passion for all things homemade.
Project by Sophie Splatt
These animal glitter jars are featured in Dream, Create, Inspire by Sophie Splatt published by Five Mile Press