• CONTENT WARNING: Physical violence, graphic violence; violence against women and children. Monash academic Steven Roberts’ life is littered with experiences of family violence, witnessed growing up, and perpetrated against him. By talking about it, he’s hoping to draw attention to the need for men to...

  • Children’s parties are the number-one method used by competitive parents to outdo each other. Philippa Macken finds that you don’t need to be flashy to be fun. Harry was beside himself. I held his tiny hand as he hopped alongside me, barely able to contain...

  • Setting aside time to read during the week can be challenging. Fortunately, you only need 20 to 30 minutes of reading a day to boost your child’s literacy—and it’s up to you how you want to structure it!  Here are six expert-backed ways to read...

  • ‘Why did he Leave Me?’  is one, reports researcher Lauren Breen, Death and grief are not easy to talk about. Talking to children about these can be harder still. Our instinct to protect children from harsh realities means we might avoid these topics altogether. But,...

  • A bumper Bluey episode is about to hit screens, writes Divna Haslam. This special episode of the hit kids show will premiere on April 14. The episode will run for 28 minutes, which is four times the usual length of a Bluey episode. My kids...

  • Looking for some Easter-themed books for the younger kids? Here is a selection of new and some older ones to look for. Bluey: Hooray, It’s Easter! Published by Penguin Random House. Board book. This is a lift-the-flap board book based on the hit ABC KIDS TV...

Celebrating Mothers

  •  It’s rare for a significant period of time to pass before another debate about breastfeeding takes place in the media, writes  Alison Bartlett The latest is about Comedian Arj Barker. Some of the highest authorities have said breastfeeding is okay, even in the Sistine Chapel,...

  • ‘Free birthing’ and planned home births might sound similar, says Hannah Dahlen, but the risks are very different. The death of premature twins in Byron Bay in an apparent “wild birth”, or free birth, last week has prompted fresh concerns about giving birth without a...

  • ‘Mother’s little helper’: interviews with Australian women show a complex relationship with alcohol by Maree Patsouras, Cassandra Wright, Emmanuel Kuntsche, Gabriel Caluzzi  and Sandra Kuntsche Men have historically, and still do, drink more than women. But in recent years there has been an uptick in...

  • News for New Parents: Australian Government Calls for Stronger Regulation of Infant Formula Marketing The government released a report about how infant formula is marketed here, and it’s a big deal for families with babies and toddlers. You might not have heard of it, but...