14 Jul Tips for Raising Creative Kids
Kids are naturally creative, but here are five simple ways you can further nurture their creativity.
Art Centre
Provide children with both planned craft projects and spontaneous, single art explorations they can do on their own. Create an art centre in your kitchen or family room so your kids can creatively express themselves.
Tired of stepping on art supplies or cleaning up after projects? A simple solution is to set up an art area that your kids manage. Put them in charge and give them containers and shelves, so they can create an organised art centre. Encourage independence and watch kids rise to the occasion.
Encourage Uniqueness
Encourage children to try new, unique ways of doing things. Don’t expect their artwork to look like samples others have made. Encourage kids to come up with their own ways to do crafts. Ask, “I wonder what would happen if…” to inspire their imagination.
Building Confidence
Build kids’ confidence in their own creative abilities. If they ask you to make it for them, reply that you’d love to see what they create. Don’t expect kids to create artwork that looks like an adult’s. Children’s fresh and unique styles should be valued.
Emphasise the Journey
Emphasise the enjoyment and ‘process’ of creating art, more than the results. The aesthetic qualities of a young child’s work aren’t as important as the process used to create them.
Stick It on the Fridge
Celebrate your children’s creativity by displaying their art. An encouraging adult can make a world of difference. Support your children’s innate desire to learn and to express ideas. Be a mentor and a role model. Help children develop to their full potential.
Words by Lauren Wilby