Book Reviews: This is just a sample of the new books for the under 7’s!

It’s hard when you are looking for a book with a particular theme, to actually find one that’s specific to your child.

It will need to be of interest to them to keep their attention and should be one you can read out aloud and enjoy together. There is vast selection of books newly available for the under 7’s. This is just a sample of the range!

Brave In Every Which Way
by Maddy Mara and Lauren de Graaf, pub. Affirm Press RRP $24.99. Ages 3-7

This is a delightful book with beautiful illustrations about being brave and courageous. The pages are in rhyme and each spread has a different way you can be scared and have bad thoughts and how fear and panic can be averted.

What does bravery mean? Can it always be seen?
I will give you a bit of a clue:
it’s not jumping from planes or surfing fast trains
A brave kid looks just like you do.

Very inspirational for kids who suffer from anxiety.


All The Ways Mum Will Be There for You
by Sarah Ayoub, illus. Kate moon, pub. HarperCollins h/b RRP $24.99. Ages 0-5

This is a colourful book about mums. Any mum, whether a birth mother or not. Written in rhyme, it’s full of creative ideas reassuring a child that their mother will always be there for their child. From tea parties to playgrounds and cooking to reading books together.

…in all you feel and all you do,
I will always be there there for you.


Have You Seen My Mummy Anywhere?
written and illus. by Sophie Griffin, pub. Austin MacAuley (Independent) Publishers, p/b RRP $13.95. Age: babies

Self-published, this large format soft paperback follows little Millie’s search for her mummy when she awakes from a sleep. She anxiously asks all the friendly animals around her ‘have they seen her?’ only to find that she was in the room all the time!  The oversized drawings focus on the expressions of baby Millie which will help in the understanding of the text. Perfect for small children who try to resist going to sleep, reassuring them that mummy will be near when they wake up.


Boss Of Your Own Mind
by sisters Byll and Beth Stephen (performing as a kids band Teeny Tiny Stevies); illus. Simon Howe, pub. HarperCollins (ABC), h/b RRP $24.99. Ages 3-6

Following on from their first and second books Boss of Your Own Body, (based on one of their popular songs) and Sleep Through the Night, comes their new book Boss of Your Own Mind. Through differing scenarios, little children are shown the various situations where they might be the ‘boss ‘of their own mind and the situations when they need to let others make the decisions for them.


The World Needs -The Wonder You See
by Joanna Gaines, illus. by Julianna Swaney, pub. Tomas Nelson USA (HarperCollins Publishers in AUS) h/b RRP $24.99. Ages 4-8

There are many wonders in our world and every day there are new adventures. This inspiring book about the vast beauty of the natural world, is by an American writer, with intricate illustrations to match each page-spread. The author reminds kids to find the joy in the natural world everyday they can. How many times do we tell kids (and adults too) to slow down and look around, up and down, at what’s around you when you are outside? A wonderful book for your home library.


Rudder To The Rescue – Lost
by Sean James Kelly, illus. Virginia Grey. Privately published, h/b RRP$24.95.  Available directly here Rudder To The Rescue – Lost

For those familiar with Sydney Harbour, this is a story based on a real yacht, based in Sydney Harbour called “Lonely”. Overnight her dinghy has broken away and is drifting down the harbour away from “Lonely’s” mooring.  Rudder, a Harbour rescue boat goes out to find the dinghy and meets a lot of the unusual harbour vessels and characters along the way. Ages 3-7

Saturday, Sunday
Busy Day, Fun Day
by Natalie Kate Forbes, illus. Danny Snell pub. Affirm Press, h/b RRP $24.99 Ages 3+

Beautifully illustrated with detailed water-coloured drawings, this book is a delight to read out aloud. The rhymes rush along to give you the feeling that Saturday is a very busy day with lots of things to do for this family! From the very start, the energy of this family mimics a typical day for lots of other families with young children.

Wake up! It’s Saturday, jump out of bed!
“Saturday’s over – the busy day done.
Sunday’s tomorrow – a day just for fun.”

You feel the tempo of the busy day.  Sunday is perfect as a day just for fun, relaxing and seeing grandparents for lunch. One for your home library.

Note: Most books can be found online at less than their RRP (Recommended Retail Price)
