• Concerningly, nearly a quarter of Australian teens admit they frequently find ways to get around blocks that stop them from accessing certain sites or content. Young Australians Skirt Online Restrictions, Sharing Sensitive Data A new UNICEF Australia survey reveals that while most young people understand...

  • It’s hard when you are looking for a book with a particular theme, to actually find one that’s specific to your child. It will need to be of interest to them to keep their attention and should be one you can read out aloud and...

  • Joseph Kelly’s cunning plan to outsource the breaking of his daughter’s television habit backfires. It’s amazing how quickly rituals develop with kids. With my eldest daughter, Maisie, we have the breakfast ritual (Mum gives cuddles, Dad makes food), the bath-time ritual (Maisie and baby Frances...

  • Business owner and single mother Kate Heussler talks about how vital financial planning is, as she prepared to became a solo mother. Pregnancy: Preparing for the Unexpected Money conversations matter If you have a partner, discussing finances before pregnancy is essential—covering expenses, parental leave, emergency...

  • Looking for more lunch box goodies. Try these simple and healthy muffins from Donna Hay. Ingredients 2 Cups (320g) Wholemeal Self-Raising (Self-Rising) Flour ½ Cup (85g) Rapadura Sugar (available at supermarkets and made from evaporated cane juice). 2 Eggs 1 Cup (250ml) Buttermilk ⅔ Cup...

  • Australian families are choosing private schools more than ever before – we need to understand why, reports Sally Larsen The shape of Australia’s school system is undergoing a significant change. Enrolments in independent schools are growing, while fewer students attend public schools. Why are more...

Celebrating Mothers

  • Martha Wegner discovers that when it comes to gardening, two’s competent but three’s a clown. It was the kind of day we dream about when we think of autumn: perfectly cool, the kind of cool that requires a long-sleeved shirt and maybe a hat to...

  • Australian midwives and GPs should be allowed to manage pregnancies and births in the private hospital system under a new proposal that would see health insurers funding more options for expecting families. More Choices, Lower Costs for Expecting Families The new proposal aims to make...

  • Mothers need proper screening after birth, writes Phyllis Ohene-Agyei A growing number of women experience high blood sugar levels during pregnancy which typically resolve after birth. Known as gestational diabetes, this is the most common metabolic disorder in pregnancy and affects one in seven women...

  • Women don’t have a ‘surge’ in fertility before menopause – but surprise pregnancies can happen, even after 45, writes Karin Hammarberg We occasionally see media reports about celebrities in their mid-40s having surprise pregnancies. You might also hear stories like these from friends or relatives...