04 Apr ‘Vic Kids Eat Well’ award winners announced
The Vic Kids Eat Well Awards recognises individuals and organisations that have made efforts to provide healthier food and drink options for children in Victoria, Australia.
The importance of promoting healthy eating habits for children, is the highlight of the awards and recognises some of the ways that organizations and individuals are making a positive difference in this area.
- The Vic Kids Eat Well Awards recognize individuals and organizations that have made efforts to provide healthier food and drink options for children in Victoria, Australia.
- The awards celebrate schools, Outside School Hours Care (OSHC), sports clubs, community organizations, local health promotion teams, and individuals who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to promoting healthy and delicious food and drink options for kids.
- The winners of the first Vic Kids Eat Well Awards include a group of 12 primary students who run a “Camp Kitchen,” a school canteen that offers meals made from their own veggie patch, and a sports club that provides hearty soups and free fruit to kids after games.
- Programs like Vic Kids Eat Well help set children up for good health and future wellbeing, and involve children in menu decisions, prepping and cooking healthy foods, and providing healthy snacks and water to promote physical activity and overall wellbeing.
- With over 650 organizations now part of the Vic Kids Eat Well movement, the hope is to inspire even more organizations to take steps towards a healthier future for all kids in Victoria.
The recipients of the Vic Kids Eat Well Awards 2022 are: