What are the challenges facing the wellbeing of young people?

A new insightful report by mental health service ReachOut has been released, highlighting the key concerns and challenges faced by parents and carers regarding the wellbeing of young people. 

Top Concerns of Parents and Carers:

The report reveals a spectrum of concerns dominating parental thoughts. Topping the list is the pervasive influence of social media, identified as a worry by 59% of respondents. This digital realm, while enriching in many ways, also raises significant anxieties regarding its impact on young minds. Additionally, loneliness emerged as a leading negative influence, with 81% of respondents who identified it as a top issue reporting significant impacts on their young person’s wellbeing.

Here are some key takeaways and observations from the report:

Social Media: A significant worry for over half of respondents, with potential impacts on young people’s wellbeing.

Future: Many are concerned about the future prospects of the youth they care for.

School, Study, and Exam Stress: Academic pressure is a prevalent issue affecting young people.

Mental Health: A major focus, with a majority expressing concern and recognizing its impact.

Impactful Issues on Wellbeing: Domestic Violence, Family Changes, and Loneliness: These were identified as having substantial impacts on young people’s mental health, even if they were less frequently cited.

Support Seeking: Parents and carers predominantly seek support from friends, other parents, and the internet rather than professional medical sources like GPs or doctors.

Despite seeking support, many feel their needs haven’t been fully met, indicating a gap in available resources.

Need for Enhanced Support: There’s a clear desire for improved access to quality information, professional advice, and support services among parents and carers.

Overall, the report highlights critical areas where parental support is needed and emphasizes the importance of accessible and reliable resources to address the mental health and wellbeing challenges faced by young people today.

ReachOut’s Role:

In response to these insights, ReachOut’s interim CEO, Jackie Hallan, emphasizes the importance of empowering parents and carers with knowledge and accessible support.

“It’s vital that we let parents and carers know that support is available and easy to access. We want to encourage parents and carers to access ReachOut Parents free services, including expert parenting advice and parenting coaching. ReachOut Parents also provides pathways to further support for families if they need it,” she said.

ReachOut Parents provides valuable information, resources and one-on-one coaching to help parents and carers to better understand the young people in their lives and to play an active role in their wellbeing. The service is accessed by more than 400,000 parents and carers each year.

For information and support parents and carers can visit ReachOut.com/Parents and young people can visit ReachOut.com.

ReachOut Parents is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
