• Australian researchers from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) have found a way to predict which children are likely to outgrow their peanut allergy based on changes in antibody levels over time. The study revealed that two-thirds of children with a peanut allergy remain allergic...

  • Denise Yearian believes that charity birthday parties can encourage children to think and act altruistically. At a time when many parents are pulling out all the stops for their children’s birthday parties, some families are hosting parties where the aim is to give gifts away....

  • CONTENT WARNING: Physical violence, graphic violence; violence against women and children. Monash academic Steven Roberts’ life is littered with experiences of family violence, witnessed growing up, and perpetrated against him. By talking about it, he’s hoping to draw attention to the need for men to...

  • Children’s parties are the number-one method used by competitive parents to outdo each other. Philippa Macken finds that you don’t need to be flashy to be fun. Harry was beside himself. I held his tiny hand as he hopped alongside me, barely able to contain...

  • Setting aside time to read during the week can be challenging. Fortunately, you only need 20 to 30 minutes of reading a day to boost your child’s literacy—and it’s up to you how you want to structure it!  Here are six expert-backed ways to read...

  • ‘Why did he Leave Me?’  is one, reports researcher Lauren Breen, Death and grief are not easy to talk about. Talking to children about these can be harder still. Our instinct to protect children from harsh realities means we might avoid these topics altogether. But,...

Celebrating Mothers

  • Linda J. Graham writes about the displacement of parents, and particularly mothers, by ‘experts’ in modern life.  It goes almost without saying that the latter half of the 20th Century witnessed fundamental change to the institution of the family. While the emergence of feminism has...

  • As Mother’s Day approaches each year, a flurry of emotions fills the heart of Jessica Murray. For some mothers, Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder of loss and memories past. Others will celebrate their first Mother’s Day excitedly as new mothers. Even though Mother’s...

  • When Elizabeth Kenyon is pregnant with her third child, things do not go according to plan. My husband and I were very smug when we conceived our third child, as it happened exactly when we’d hoped. The ideal timing made up for the fact that...

  • Karleen Gribble, Naomi Hull and Nina Jane Chad report that it’s sooner than you think! Parents are often faced with well-meaning opinions and conflicting advice about what to feed their babies. The latest guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends formula-fed babies can switch...