10 Jun Tweens to teens: new books for parents
Some wonderful books have been released recently for parents, step-parents and carers on how to support and help their kids develop into happy and healthy adults. These books cover many of the topics you might need to be confident supporting today’s ‘Generation Alpha’ to flourish.
The New Teen Age
by Dr Ginni Mansberg (GP) and Jo Lamble (Psychologist), published by Murdoch Books, p/b RRP$32.99
If there is one thing COVID has done for parents it’s to bring them much closer to the daily lives of their kids and the parent-child tensions that can result as they develop and grow. This book is definitely one for your bookshelves!
These two authors met on the Chanel 7 Sunrise morning show and although they occasionally were together discussing their specialist topics they both had teenage children at the time and had plenty to chat about whilst waiting in the wings to commence their segments live.
They often talked about a project and The New Teen Age is the result of their combined talents to search experts in their fields to provide information, strategies and advice for parents.
Unlike other new books out recently this book allows both Ginni and Jo to co-ordinate and cover all the topics a parent might need separately but in one resource.
The chapters are divided into themes such as ‘It’s My House’; ‘School Days’; ‘Get Out of My Room’ and ‘Good Kids Bad Habits’. Going through puberty and navigating relationships are covered particularly well.
“Being a parent of a teenager can be daunting. How do we help them navigate the modern world while keeping them safe and happy? Their physical and psychological changes throw up a whole range of issues that we aren’t always equipped to handle. Here, finally, is a practical and direct guide for parents that covers the lot. Phew!”Amanda Keller
Generation Alpha.
by Mark McCrindle and Ashley Fell, published by Hachette Australia, p/b RRP$34.99
The authors, as social researchers and futurists, have extended the theories attached to each generation who have catchy names such as ‘Gen Y’, ‘Boomers’ and so on, to develop a new one, ‘Generation Alpha’, to those born between 2010 and 2024. Their work involved thousands of interviews with children, parents, teachers, business leaders, marketers and health professionals to gain an understanding of our ‘Alphas’.
The book looks at how they came to develop this name and how this generation in particular has been in the digital age since birth defining their characteristics as Digital, Social, Global, Mobile and Visual. They have also had to deal with challenges such as COVID, new technology and education for a job that may not exist s yet. Each chapter is broken up into bite-sized pieces, looking at how Generation Alpha fits into education, technology and jobs and a future that is changing so rapidly that adaptation will be the key. A good read for parents and teachers to keep up with all the social research for this age group.
by Madonna King, published by Hachette, p/b RRP$33.99
What your daughter needs to know about the transition from child to teen.
Madonna King sought the counsel of 500 10-year-old girls, 1,600 mothers, and 100 Year Five school teachers for her book, Ten-ager. Dozens of school principals, teen psychologists, doctors, researchers and female role models were also interviewed to provide a guide for parents helping tween daughters into adolescence. Reviewed here
Self-Harm: Why Teens Do It and What Parents Can Do To Help
by Michelle Mitchell, published by Big Sky Publishing, p/b RRP $24.99.
Self-harm is probably a lot more common than most research suggests. Michelle Mitchell looks at self-harm, why teens do it, and what you can do to help.
Reviewed here