The property
Type of School: Independent, Co-educational, Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6 Primary School of the Uniting Church Campus of Knox Grammar School.
School Fees 2018: Pre-Kinder 3-day $2,990 per term, 5 day $3,860 per term, K to Year 6 $3,430 per term.
Intake Years: Pre-Kinder, Kindergarten or where vacancies exist.
Special Programs and Activities: Unique, supportive small-school environment. Personalised, rigorous, engaging, contemporary, Christian teaching and learning. Excellent pupil/teacher ratio. Skilled, dedicated staff committed to ongoing Professional Learning. Extra curricular program includes music, sport, second language, dance, visual art, robotics, coding, leadership, peer support, community service.
Open Days and School Tour Dates: Personal tours available on request.
General Comments: Our Mission and Vision: “Every child known personally, cared for deeply, challenged extensively and thriving into the future. We seek depth in learning, social and emotional skills and service to others for a better world.”